It's Time To Make A Change - we're having an update SOON!
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What's happening at Cyprus Stamps?
If you have been looking at our website over the past few days you may have noticed a few changes, particularly if you are a desktop or laptop user.
We have removed the left hand side column as we're beginning to work our way to changing to a new template which will be more mobile friendly.
In previous years, our mobile and tablet device users were much lower in numbers but our current stats now show us the balance between desktop/laptop users are almost equal.
I've also removed a couple of pages and combined the Payment process and options, Dispatch information, Refunds and FAQs into one page.
You should also keep a close eye on the Header Logo which appears at the top of every page of the website.
We're not exactly certain when the full switch will take place, although anticipate it may be before the end of the first week in March 2022.
But if you see a message in the website header logo next time you look, which refers to us being Out of Office soon, it means it's definitely happened!
To see the current changes, please visit our website
And if you haven't already done so, don't forget to Sign Up for our Newsletters.
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