An insight to the owners of Cyprus Stamps.
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Hi - a quick introduction to us, as Cyprus Stamps.... We are originally from the UK but decided to make a permanent move to Cyprus in 2004. We had dabbled on eBay for a little while and decided to carry on whilst we were here in Cyprus. My husband had an interest in stamp collecting when he was younger but sadly, his collection was severely damaged by thoughtlessness (not his own I hasten to say). He started collecting again when we settled in Cyprus - buying mostly over eBay on larger collections and then we decided to sell on the duplicates he had. This eventually led to us opening our eBay Shop in September 2007. | |
We try to sell in Individual Sets - rather than single stamps in order to help other collectors and also have a fair number of Cyprus First Day Covers on offer.
We have always enjoyed travelling - so we do have an interest in foreign postcards too and from time to time we list them on eBay or on Specialist Auctions website.
In my husbands line of work, he often comes across some items of Cypriot Memorabilia and those items that are small enough to post overseas - we list on eBay or SA sites too.
Cyprus is well known for its' geological location and history and is well covered in the Geological Studies curriculum. We carry a small collection of Geological items (maps, rocks/minerals) relating to the Troodos Ophiolite Sequence and have sent such items to University students & professors worldwide. Guess where you will find them!!! |
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